Monthly Archives: June 2018

New Trek Show Ideas

According to rumors, there are a passel of new Star Trek shows under development, including the possibility of Patrick Stewart stepping back into his role as the smoothest of operators, Jean Luc Picard.  I’d like to spitball a few ideas I would like to see made into shows.

  1. Star Trek: Ambassador: Jean Luc Picard, now retired from Starfleet, has become the civilian diplomat everyone expected him to be.  A gritty drama about the political machinations of the Federation as it deals with the various turmoils in the wake of the Dominion War. Tons of untapped potential to show a very different side of Trek using a fan favorite to secure the initial buy-in.
  2. Star Trek: Dirty Jobs: Imagine Firefly, just in the Trek universe. A small ship with a quirky crew, but instead of quasi-outlaws, they’re a clean-up/salvage crew that’s basically following the Enterprise around, cleaning up various space debris from its encounters.  Could be a sidequel to TNG, happening just in the wake of old episodes.  Imagine the salvage from Wolf-359!EDIT: You’re welcome for this idea, CBS.  Now please option Star Trek: ShiKahr and cast Robert Carlysle.
  3. Star Trek: Me and Q: Wesley Crusher, having been abandoned on the other side of the galaxy by the Traveler, meets up with Q, who realizes that Wes is one finger-snap away from being a Continuum member.  Now a Q in his own right, Wes decides to travel the galaxy and is joined by a young Q love interest.  A road show, romp through the unexpected.  Frequent guest star John de Lancie!  Also, and I say this with all seriousness, please put Wil Wheaton back into Trek because he is a treasure.
  4. Star Trek: ShiKahr: A series set on Vulcan in the Surak contemporary period. We get to see the wars that lead to the Romulan exodus and Vulcans in their original, non-logical state.